OBT2 2020/21 Season Performances

OBT RAW | April 21 – 23, 2021

Join Oregon Ballet Theatre’s junior company, OBT2, for a performance broadcast featuring Pieces of Eight, an exciting collection of new works from seven choreographers. The project was devised to challenge the young company members with the real-world experience of absorbing multiple choreographic styles and methods at once. Audiences will delight in watching firsthand the dancers’ artistic growth and gain insight of their experience through live interviews during the program.

Pieces of Eight is paired with virtuoso solo performances from classic ballets, and the premiere screening of a gorgeous dance video Where Fog Meets Cloud choreographed and directed by LeeWei Chao. Additional works include choreography by: James Canfield, LeeWei Chao, Phillip Carman, Makino Hayashi, Peter Franc, Tamisha Guy, and Samuel Hobbs

OBT2 RAW is presented exclusively on OBTV. To learn more about this performance, see the full program, and to purchase tickets, please visit the OBT2 RAW page HERE.

Banner image by Yi Yin; Inset image: Jingzi Zhao